The 3 STEPS to SUCCESS in your life

Click here to watch video “3 Amazing steps to success in your life.”


Last week I had someone who contacted me on social media and ask me “What can I do to be successful?”. He felt he was getting nowhere in life and his work.

We went through a long discussion where I explained to him the 3 concepts or steps that had to be in place for any guy to be successful in life. It is not easy steps. NOTHING worthwhile in life is easy! But it is doable, very doable. And believe me it works.

So, I thought I need to share this. Maybe there is just that one person out there that need to hear this.  There was a point in my life that if someone shared this with me, it would have made a very, very big difference in my life at a much younger age. But the way our gears function is that most of us men have to hit rock bottom before we are prepared to sit down and actually listen to this kind of talk. We are difficult to bend and set in our ways. So maybe you are at that bottom point in your life right now…then buddy listen up and if this makes sense to you reach for it with everything you have!

I am not going to preach to you that money does not matter…the fact is, it does. One need a certain amount of money to live comfortably. But, when your only goal is about money then you might reach success (or whatever you define as success) but happiness will be far removed from your daily life. That unfortunately is ALWAYS the case when money takes center stage. So, money is in the picture, but not close to be the main aim of the 3 steps. Money is a natural outflow after the 3 steps, I’ll explain later…

For now, let’s start with the 3 steps.

Each of these 3 steps are inter-dependent. You cannot choose just one or two and think the end result will be success. You MUST put all three in place.

Step 1 – Body optimization – easiest

Step 2 – Heart & soul optimization – more difficult

Step 3 – Mind control optimization – most difficult.

When I say “most difficult”, it is far from impossible. All it means is that it will take a lot of effort to put in place.



A person will struggle to reach success when the body is not functioning optimally. An optimally functioning body means a healthy, fit appearance and a brain that is alert. This is more important than you think. When you walk into a job interview or your boss has to decide who to promote…well, in the real world these factors becomes important.

This also means you will gain more self-confidence as you are increasingly happier with your body. I went through such a Body optimization process and any person that has gone through it will tell you it changed their life on many levels for the better. People want to be around you, people want to talk to you, people respect you more and all these equals too more opportunities coming your way. 

This is easy, I got everything for you on this site. All it takes is sweat and some pain and time!

Here is a link to a completely FREE basic BODY OPTIMIZATION / TRANSFORMATION process that includes detailed training, dieting and supplement programs and instructions:

The above process is however generic. So, for those that want a more customized and comprehensive step by step system, follow this link:

This is a never-ending process that will become part of your life. You cannot live life to the fullest by sitting on the couch. A critical ingredient to be successful in life is to get up and start looking after your body.




Now we starting to get deep. Up to this point (after step 1), you liked what you see in the mirror. The body looks great (the outside of the body). However, looking at yourself, most of us realize we don’t like the inside so much, the heart/soul and character. We don’t like the person we see and the person we have become, easily offended, carrying hate in our hearts, lacking integrity, weak minded and constantly choosing “wrong” in life. Our dreams were so much bigger and better for ourselves than this reality. We thought we were going to change the world, but sadly the world changed us. 

The thing that is missing in our character is INTEGRITY. An unshaken integrity that makes anyone that comes in contact with us look up to us with respect. An integrity that includes a strong but kind heart that cares for our fellow human being. An integrity based on an unshakable moral cornerstone that guides our decisions in life.

This whole process of HEART & SOUL OPTIMIZATION starts with MAKING RIGHT WITH GOD. I’ve said this in many of my videos and I will continue to say it. For me it is irrelevant whether you are and atheist or whether you believe in “the force”, the bottom line is, unless you make right with God on all levels of your life, you will not become the full person you were meant to be. You need to know what is right and what is wrong, you need an unshakable moral conduct guiding your life in every decision you make.

Only then can you start growing your character again. Through a close relationship with God we start shaping our character. My moral compass and mentor and to whom I aspire is Jesus Christ. You need to go on your own journey. Without this journey you will never reach your full potential.

This is no overnight process and like Step 1, this is a lifelong process that never stops. Changing one’s character IS possible but not on your own. I went through this process and I can now proudly say I like the guy looking back at me in the mirror, the inside and outside (but believe me, the process is far from complete!).


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Off course this is not easy! If it was, it would have been available in pill form at the Chemist! No, this takes bigtime effort, lots of knee time and sometimes pain-full changes you have to apply in your life. This is what separates the men from the boys…men with an unshakable integrity.

This is the type of person a boss wants to appoint in a key or important position in his firm or business. Someone he can trust and someone with integrity. When you have become this person, everyone around you will see it. You don’t have to do anything…it will be obvious.




Ok, now we are talking! You are already far on the journey to become successful, but a key ingredient lacks. The training of the mind to cultivate positive thought patterns. Both point 1 and 2 is pretty much meaningless if you do not complete this step.

I’ve made video specifically about this point to explain the process to you.

Click here to watch video “CONTROLLING YOUR THOUGHTS”


This is where you start cultivating positive and uplifting thoughts. When you have completed and mastered this mind training then big things start to happen. Remember this few times you came across those positive good vibe people? You just wanted to spend time with them and surround you with them. They just uplift you! Well this will be you when you get his under control. And this is where things in the work environment start happening. The glass is not half empty anymore but now it is half full and THIS is what bosses LOVE. They will see your attitude and positivity and they will want (!) to appoint you in a key position…and that boys and girls is when everything falls into place (money included).

But be aware. This is not easy. This takes much training. NO GOOD THING IN LIFE EVER CAME EASY! How much do you want this? …then MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Wish you all happy training and making those dreams come true.

Gert Louw



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