Site icon Gert Louw (GertFITNESS)

How to get it ALL TOGETHER

How to get “it all together”

Click here to watch video ” HOW TO GET IT ALL TOGETHER”

First everyone, I wish you a blessed 2019 with GREAT health and many, many muscles!

I will put on a few pics I took during my Pearly Beach vacation so you can see what I was up too.



Ok, back to the topic of the video/article – I deal with a lot of guys that tells me they look up to me for always having it all together. In their eyes, I am on top of my game and in control of my fitness, diet, marriage, parenthood, work and well, just everything.

But the truth is, there is not a single human being on this earth that has ‘everything and all together”!

No matter how “together” someone is looking, I guarantee you that that person has several intense personal issues, hopes, dreams and fears. No one is ever in “control”.

Life is always an unpredictable adventure no one has ever prepared for. We run a race we have never trained for. We do not know the curves in the road or where the potholes are.

I am the same as all of you in running this race.

Believe me I had some severe potholes and if you’ve seen me at my weakest, you would not think I got it all together.

But what is true, is that I do have a certain calm and focus over me that gives the perception that I got it all together in running this race.


We are starting a new year so let me give you some of my personal wisdom.

The following is my “rules of life” that guides me in this race of life:

  1. I always get back up after falling and continue where I left off, no matter how big the fall. I do not go and sit in a corner feeling sorry for myself. I get up, look life squarely in the eyes and get my act together to get on the path to reach my goals again. Most of u know 2017 I very nearly died (for the 2ndtime), but I got up and I am back in the game working very hard to reach my goals.
  2. Focused mindset. If you got a goal, you need to elevate this goal very high on your ladder of priorities. As I said in the past, for me it is just church, work and family before gym. NOTHING else! You need to prioritize to such an extent that gym is on the same level of dedication as work. You do NOT skip gym that day if you do not have a sick certificate. It is not about how you feel or whether you “think” you do not have energy…that is all irrelevant. You get in your car, you go to gym and you work out. Full stop!
  3. This same focused mindset applies to your diet. The night before you prepare all your meals for the next day and put it into ready to use containers in the fridge. Get the whole family on the system. In fact, it is very good quality time preparing food together for next day as a family…with your kids. If you do not make the effort the previous night for the next day, I guarantee you your diet WILL fail!
  4. My faith is critical to my calmness. Most of you know I am a passionate follower of Jesus Christ and every day I seek His guidance with my life. He is my moral center on everything I do. He determines my walk and direction I take in life. I don’t follow the world or the latest craze, and I DON’T care for political correctness, I do what I believe is the right thing to do.
  5. My personal motto is, MAKE IT HAPPEN. So, no matter what your goal…just MAKE IT HAPPEN. Were created in God’s image and that means we are immense powerful creatures. Realize that, LIVE IT and make use of this amazing power you have. You CAN change your life and you CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN! Nothing is forcing you to continue sitting on that couch and reaching for another beer. Only you are forcing yourself and most of the time, it is simple laziness and just a habit. Use the power you have inside you to rise above bad habits and a bad lifestyle.
  6. My rule: I refuse to be average. I refuse to live everyday over and over the same way. I will continue to better myself on every level. I will become a better person, inside and out. That is non-negotiable and critical when you want to move forward in life and not staying stuck in the trenches.

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Living life by these rules and a natural outflow is a great looking body, but also a person of integrity to who others look up to.

So, guys and girls, I do NOT have it “all together”. But I do have above focused approach, cutting out excuses and laziness and with my faith I have a strong moral center. I do what I believe is right without trying to please the world.

These are my rules for life, I hope it can help some of you out there. I have been priviledged in walking a very difficult path in life which has made me what I am today with my knowledge, life skillset and focused approach.

If any of you are interested – I’ve designed a very comprehensive transformation system for the older guy called the ADVANCED SYSTEM II. It contains all my knowledge, skills and my workout and diet approach, customized for your body and goals. So, if you are interested, then you can sign-up through the following link:


The following is an interesting pic – my 9 most viewed photos on my instagram for the year of 2018 (my instagram: )


To you all my friends and followers – Be the best version of you that you can EVER be!

Wish you a blessed 2019.

Gert Louw

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