Site icon Gert Louw (GertFITNESS)

So how does BEER help me get that 6-pack?

You are on your road to a WOW body transformation. Everything is controlled, how much you sleep, your training (too the minute) your supps, your diet with previous night prep, you eat, sleep and drink transformation and you are busy making great progress!

Click HERE to view video “So how does BEER help me to get a 6-pack?”

You can see yourself at the goalpost and focus is 100%. Nothing but nothing stands in your way or deter you from keeping your eye on the goalpost.

Well, that is awesome…because this mean you WILL get there.

But, now the big “but”, This ultimate focus has the ability to burn your candle out, completely. Ever heard “too much of a good thing is never good”?

Well this is more true and applicable than you think. The problem is that a body transformation is not a quick process. It usually takes years. To keep this kind of over-drive focus for such a long time is going to take its toll. One morning you will just wake up and be exhausted to the bone, mentally and physically. Then it will dawn on you everything you are busy missing out on…basically missing out on life.


Off course it is great to have focus like that, but a key ingredient to such intense focus is BALANCE, otherwise you WILL burn out. And after that burn-out occur it will be very, very difficult to ever muster that focus again.


So how do you prevent this focus from burning out? How do you keep that “balance” I am talking about? Well, by making sure “life” does not slip you by.

I follow a three tier approach…



That mean friends, social time, eating out, enjoying a beer and going on holiday and just let loose a bit now and then.


You must make time to still hang out with friends. But always bring your own low carb/carb free corn bag and sugar free drinks with you and still party with them. You need to learn to live in a normal world and be able to withstand regular temptations. Just ALWAYS make sure you are prepared and have your food ready…never go on a empty stomach! Always eat something small to take hunger pains away otherwise you will be too weak when temptations hit. But this point is extremely important. You MUST not cut out your social time with your friends.

Off course they will laugh at you and make jokes…it ALWAYS happens. But soon that will start turning into envy and RESPECT.

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Once a week go and eat out at your favorite steakhouse (sorry Pizza won’t do!). If you want to have your glass of wine or a beer (just one), then have one but then no carbs allowed if you have that glass of wine at that meal. Just fillet steak and a nice garden salad and maybe a little of your favorite meat sauce (pepper, mushroom, etc)…but be careful they can contain massive calories/fat. Have a nice coffee afterwards (very little milk and sweetener). But feel like you have treated yourself. To do this is sooo important to let you feel “normal” and that you are not taking things away from yourself.



And when it is time for holiday (now I am talking not more than twice year and not a month at a time but max 2 weeks then down tools and let loose. But the golden rule is NEVER EVER stuff yourself. So avoid buffets. Order just a dish and finish it and enjoy it. NEVER more than 2 glasses wine/2 beers per day while on holiday. When possible eat healthy but if you feel like a meal where you want to treat yourself, then do it. If you want to train sure do it but that 2 weeks off from training is not going to kill you. It actually give your body perfect time to heal and recover from the strain it has been going through and will do GREAT things for you mentally.

Now of course you are going to pick up some weight and loose a bit of definition. But that negative will eventually add massively to a positive, because staying balanced will enable you to stay on track in the long-term with your body transformation and will naturally develop into a new fit and healthy lifestyle because now you can enjoy life and still obtain your goal.


I have seen MANY guys folding in their transformation hopes simply by being too focused in their approach and by letting life slip them by. They just reach a point where they feel…well this is not worth it.

There is just one way of doing this and that is to build the above balance factors into your body transformation journey.

Well, I am off to Thailand for 3 weeks on a well-deserved family holiday break. The first week I will be sticking as close as possible to my diet and training and the rest of the 2 weeks I am going to enjoy myself and let go and have some fun within the constraints of above rules…because I know when I get back I got the recipe and know how to do it.

To signup for my ADVANCED SYSTEM II for the over 40, just go here:  Click HERE

Wish you all happy and balanced training.

Gert Louw

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