Site icon Gert Louw (GertFITNESS)

Web BICEPS Flex-Off 2013

Here is the 2013 video:

Choosing contestants is always a very difficult challenge due to the sheer amount of quality flexers out there – shape and aesthetics is critical above sheer size.

However, making an HD video requires good quality photos of each contestant and that is much more difficult to find. The guys all have photos and most good ones but few of a high enough quality to be used in the vid. So that immediately narrows down the field of contestants quite drastically.

One contestant I really wanted to include but could not (photos not in focus) is Flipie Du Preez from South Africa, 18 years old and serious good muscle and aesthetics.

Will monitor him and if the photo quality improves I will most definately include him in the 2014 vid.

The enlisting for the 2014 vid is open until the last day of August 2014. Email me at if interested but please make sure you have good quality photos.

Here follows the rest of the great flexers I wish I could have used for the video but could not due to unacceptable quality photos:


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