Site icon Gert Louw (GertFITNESS)

The DIRTY road too forcing fat loss

Now, we all wish there was this magic pill that would melt the fat away while we sit on the coach drinking our beer…

Reality is, there are a few “dirty” tricks one can apply to melt the fat away. Some of it will work by sitting on the coach and some of them would need a caloric restricted diet and training to work effectively. So either way there is hope for the coach potatoes wishing for a fat melting pill although it is a bit of a “dirty” road!

But ALL dirty tricks will work much more effective when they have a caloric restricted frequent meal plan in and a moderate to intense training system in place.


Please note – the fact that I discuss these “dirty” methods, does not mean I approve of any of it. Neither does it mean I am using it or have ever used it in the past!

This article is meant as an informational study into what last alternatives there are legal and otherwise to control weight for those not prepared to put in the effort with a healthy living and lifestyle. Knowledge is power and to suppress it simply because you disagree with what is being said is not a healthy road to enhance your knowledge base and understanding.


Now as you all know, I am not sponsored by any supplement company or brand out there and regularly shoot down overrated/worthless supplements so what I am saying here is unbiased and cutting to the bone.

On the subject of supplement companies, just about ALL the supplements claiming magical fat-loss and other fantastical claims are close to worthless. You will spend a lot of money for something that will make a very, very small difference. You should either just focus on your diet/training/core supplements to reach your goals and if you WANT to spend money on fat loss products then choose something that actually works and steer clear from marketing hype.

Those that think the golden path to fat loss is via cardio, well, in a caloric restricted environment the body very easily go into a catabolic state when doing cardio and such will burn more muscles away than fat! Even under the best scenarios cardio will ALWAYS limit muscle growth/size. So for those wanting some size, cardio is not a weapon but an enemy. With that said, if size is not at all on your agenda then cardio can be beneficial. But one thing you must understand is that losing muscle will mean less shape to your body, especially without clothes. If you want to look great you must have muscles – that IS what gives your body shape and nothing else.

The reason why I call these tricks “dirty”, is because with every one of these there are certain potential health drawbacks. So anyone considering them needs to educate themselves and apply the necessary wisdom to monitor their health and do it under a medical doctor’s supervision.

So back to the “dirty” tricks, here is the list:


1. Captopril – prescription required

Health risk level: low, Fat Loss ability: meduim

Dan Duchaine first wrote about the fat loss side effects of Capropril ( a cheap blood pressure medication) and brought the notion to the bodybuilding fraternity. The fat loss effects of Captorpril is well documented by medical studies.

The medical studies also show that Captopril had a slight anabolic effect on muscles with no virilization in women

The wonder about Captopril is that it seems to help one to lose fat in areas where one traditionally struggles to lose fat. However Captopril is not a short-term approach. It take months before it starts showing it’s true colors and usage should be longterm for optimal results.


How to take it?

If you suffer from hypotension (low blood pressure) you cannot take it.

25mg before bedtime (Mild diuretic and also makes one slightly sleepy.)

After you established that you are fine with the 25mg, dosages can be increased to 50mg before bedtime.

It is prescription medication so you must get it from your doctor.

A good stack with Capropril is Yohimbe at 10mg per day. It will increase the fat loss effects of Captopril.

2. ECA stack – The ECA stack combines ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin in a predetermined ratio.

Health risk level: medium, Fat Loss ability: medium

It causes your body to target specific fat cells to be burned for energy, all the while raising your overall metabolic rate and suppressing appetite. Each ingredient in an ECA stack works with the next. Ephedrine works as a beta agonist and stimulates production of norepinephrine, as well as circulating it through adipose tissue. The caffeine and aspirin function to inhibit the body’s natural response to halt this cAMP production, thus prolonging the effects. If you want to take an ECA stack, review your medical situation with your health care provider before you begin. (It can raise your heart rate and blood pressure)

How to use ECA?

Consume ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin doses up to three times a day, and no more than four, in equal intervals. Slowly taper the dose upward as your tolerance increases. Begin at one dose each day, and add in the next dose every two to four days until you reach the full amount. Take the first dose immediately upon waking. Take each subsequent dose on an empty stomach, at least four hours after the previous one. Avoid taking too close to bedtime as it may interfere with sleep.

Repeat this process for up to eight weeks. Do not exceed this time without taking a break, as your body will gradually build up a tolerance to the ECA stack, and it will stop to work. To maximize the effects of ECA for both fat loss and energy, it is advised to take one to two days off each week to allow your receptors to recover and avoid adrenal fatigue.

Things You’ll Need


3. Glucophage – also know as Metformin ER – prescription required (available on black market)

Health risk level: low, Fat Loss ability: low – medium

This is a very interesting medication. It is prescribed for type II diabetics.

Metformin works by promoting AMPK, which acts like an energy sensor in the body. When activated, AMPK does promote greater fat oxidation, but it also blunts muscle protein synthesis. In addition, some studies show that metformin in high doses many interfere with testosterone synthesis. On the flip side, animals provided with metformin live longer, thought to be due to better glucose control. Also, emerging studies show that metformin provides a significant protective effect against cancer onset, particularly lung and pancreatic cancers.The way it does this is by interfering with the activity of mTOR, which also happens to be a key player in muscle protein synthesis. – Jerry Brainum

Metformin seems to be only truly effective at dosages of about 2000mg per day. Less than that and the fat loss effects dissipate. The problem however is that not many people can stomach dosages above 1000mg a day. Upset stomach, runny tummy and feeling nausea’s.

It also seems to be less effective for fat loss purposes the more healthier the person is. The closer the person is to being diabetic (insulin resistant) the better fat loss effect metformin has.

However all considered it might be beneficial taking metformin simply for it’s amazing anti-cancer properties. This has been proven in a massive study including more than 180 000 people with significant reduced risk for cancer.


How to use Metformin

Start with 250mg tablet morning and evening after meals.

If no side effects increase to 500mg tablets morning and evening after meals.

This can be increased eventually to a max of 2 x 500mg tablets morning and evening after meals.


4. Clenbuterol – prescription required (available on black market)

Health risk level: medium-high, Fat Loss ability: medium

Clenburerol has been around for a long time and many Hollywood actors have used this as a trick to get body fat levels down.

Clenbuterol Hydrochloride is a powerful bronchodilator that is used to treat breathing disorders like asthma. Beyond treating breathing disorders, Clenbuterol is commonly used as a thermogenic. In fact, you will more than likely find more Clenbuterol use in fat loss plans than anywhere else. It is a very common fat burning tool used by many. It is a long-standing favorite among competitive bodybuilders and other physique athletes during contest preparation.

Clenbuterol should not be taken for long durations – it can harden the heart and also increase heart rate rather dramatically which makes it dangerous for anyone taking part in extreme fitness activities. But for short durations it can be a very effective fat burning tool. It is available as prescription in most countries, except the USA.

How to use Clenbuterol?

The preferred method of Clenbuterol is as follows: will last for 4-6 weeks and can be an excellent way to use it for the person who is only using it the last few weeks leading up to competition. The individual will start with 40mcg per day and increase periodically until he reaches the maximum desired or needed dose and will hold at the maximum dose the final 7-14 days of the plan. The increases in dosing will not be as dramatic as the two-week rotation schedule but stronger than the continuous plan. At this stage, if more Clen is still needed, the person will need to wait 4-6 weeks before beginning a new phase. This makes this type of use best for those who only need a short period of metabolic enhancement.

The maximum Clenbuterol dose will normally be 120mcg per day. Some may find 140mcg per day to be acceptable, especially some men, but no one should for any reason surpass the 140mcg per day mark if they are going to avoid cardiac damage. Regardless of the total dosing or plan of use you use, Clenbuterol use should be kept at no more than 16 weeks of total use. 16 weeks of total use per year should be your guide. For the person competing in more than one show per year at different stages of the year, we can make exceptions. However, this person should try to keep the total use as close to a 16 week total every 12 months as possible for safety reasons.


5. Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate) – prescription (available on black market)

Health risk level: low, Fat Loss ability: high (with very low caloric diet)

Although Primobolan (injections) will not in its own result in fat loss, the magic of it lies in the fact that it has an uncanny ability to protect muscle mass under very (!) low daily caloric intakes. So for those wishing to go on an extreme diet, Primobolan can protect the precious muscle mass while you melt the fat away. It is a prescribed drug for hiv+ patients experience severe muscle wasting which usually also occur during long bouts of very low caloric intake due to frequent diarrhea. It protects and even to some degree restore muscle mass under very low daily caloric intakes.

It is considered a banned substance, so be careful athletes!

However it is extremely mild compound with very little side effects.

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How to use Primobolan?

The acetate version It must be injected once a day in the glutes – not for the faint hearted! (upper outside corner of the bum). But you want to fat to melt away, then you have to suffer the pain!

Recommended dosages:

MALES – standard male Primobolan doses will fall in the 100-150mg per day range, max 12 weeks.

FEMALES – the standard female Primobolan dosing range will be at 25mg per day, max 6 weeks. [However this is one of such compounds better left to men. Virilization risks are low for women but still a risk.]

Not to be used for longer than 3 months in men. It could have a suppressing effect on your natural testosterone levels and men could experience erection problems.


6. Somatropin/IGF/IGF1 LR3 – prescription (available on black market)

Health risk level: low, Fat Loss ability: high

Ok now we are straight into the territory of banned substances. But of all, nothing really comes close to the fat burning effect of HGH and related variants – IGF and IGF1 LR3.

Somatropin (pure HGH) is so effective in fat burning that it is the only considered medical approach to attempt to treat Lipodystrophy (fat accumulation at certain areas and around the organs) in HIV+ people.

Even as a banned substance HGH is remarkably safe to use. The biggest drawback is that it can increase growth rate of tumors. It does not increase your risk of tumors but if you have cancer growth it can increase the rate of growth dramatically. Apart from that it is actually very safe at recommended dosages.

By supplementing with Somatropin the benefits in-which may be obtained are truly great. Largely the benefits provided by Somatropin include but are not limited to (in order of max to min benefit):

Main benefits

  1. Increased Fat Burning
  2. A Leaner and Tighter Physique
  3. Increase Recovery Time
  4. Muscle, Joint and Bone Repair
  5. Increased Energy

Other “claimed” benefits (no study have clearly proven any of this)

  1. Healthier Skin (only after long periods of use)
  2. Age Reduction (staving off the effects of age – only after long periods of use)
  3. Decreases Stress slightly
  4. Improved Focus & Clarity of Thought

Based on the benefits that are in almost all cases guaranteed to occur the most obvious question is why wouldn’t you supplement with this amazing hormone? When we begin to look at the aspects revolving around side-effects then the question becomes obvious yet again, as side-effects are in almost all cases non-existent when Somatropin is used responsibly.

Somatropin is not only side-effect friendly it is in almost all cases very well-tolerated in both men and women; a claim not too many hormonal compounds can make and a claim no hormonal compound can make to the extent of Somatropin. Nevertheless, there can be negative adverse side-effects; although rare they will be highly dose dependent, meaning, those who take too much will be more susceptible to such affects. Such side-effects may include:

While slight water retention is the most common and tingling is very common in performance enhancing level doses, bone growth and carpal tunnel are only concerns when such doses far exceed personal responsibility.

Somatropin and all its variants are VERY expensive. Black market options are drastically cheaper but can be counterfeited, so be carefull and know your brands. In any case this seems to be the playground of the Hollywood stars!


How to use Somatropin

For women a dosing of 1 to 2iu per day is all they need for optimal results. For the average man, 4iu per day will prove to be the perfect dose, providing all the metabolic benefits and muscularity and healing attributes associated with it. Somatropin should be used 1 month on followed by one month off and repeat if necessary. Do not use on a continuous basis since this can increase the risk of unwanted intestinal growth.


Other options

DNP – If you ever hear of DNP – skip that page…you play Russian roulette with your life by using it!

Nolvadex – (and other anti-estrogen drugs) are temporary measures to get water levels down but do not have real fat loss abilities.

Insulin doping – this is downright dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Yes, some bodybuilders reach massive success by performing this successfully but the risks by FAR outweight the potential fatloss and muscle growth benefits…in any case in a sane person’s mind! This is the quickest way in becoming a Diabetic I (insulin dependant for the rest of your life, plus one wrong move calculating the injection protocols and the bodybuilder can be dead within 24 hours)

Thyroid hormones (T3 and other related hormone treatments) – have proven to be mildly effective at best.

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Well as you see this article hold true to the ‘dirty” side of fat loss. The next step beyond these “dirty” tricks is an operation removing some of your intestines to limit food absorption. So if you want to stay out of hospital, this approach is probably your last call in getting the fat down in a dirty way!

These may seem extreme but can produce real results unlike all the hundreds of fat loss supplements with all their fantastical claims which are close to worthless and will cost you and arm and leg.

Of course there is a simple solution to all – a balanced caloric controlled diet (based on a frequent meal system) combined with a moderate to serious training regime. We are not created sedentary beings. God made us active beings and the moment we become coach potatoes the fat will (!) come rolling in!


Wish you all happy training!


Gert Louw

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