Over 40 and no joint & tendons pain? YES it is possible!

The last word for the over 40 on joint and tendon problems.com/watch?

Click here to watch video “DEATH BLOW to joint and tendon problems”

The number one reason why guys over 40 fail in their goals for shaping the body is simply because of excessive joint and tendons problems or pain. It becomes so bad that well, we either severely tone down our training or we stop all together. And there goes our dreams…

So, I’ve been faced with this dilemma as well…but man, I am NOT taking this lying down. I am a fighter that had to face death square in the eyes twice already. But I refuse to give up or go lie down and feel sorry for myself. I got up, faced life squarely in the eyes and then use my brain and wisdom to do research till my fingers were numb from typing. Through the wonder of internet I can trace the latest results-producing scientific research. Many of which is still in the final stages of approval with the FDA, which means it cannot yet be prescribed to you by your doctor. But the wonder is that most of these “grey” cutting edge products are easily available out there and not classified in the category of steroids which means it is fully legal at this stage.

But why would anyone want to put something into their body that is not yet FDA approved? Let me put it to you like this. Taking risks brings rewards. When no risks are taken then no rewards are to be had. You have to decide on the data at your disposal…are you prepared to take the risk to reach your goal or not and is it an acceptable risk? For me it is an easy answer with acceptable risks because I am NOT stopping my training. Although there are many products I believe ARE too dangerous, the one’s in this discussion are life changing for the over 40 guy and will allow him to reach his training goals and keeping his body, joints and tendons in optimal health. So for me…it is a go! If you have any concerns…best to always talk to your doctor.

Gert Loue HEROES

Ok, now that that is behind us let’s move on to the wonder approach.

Attack Tier ONE

Ever heard of dry needling? It is a fairly new development that has only truly gained ground in the last 5 years or so. Sure it can be very painful, but it produce incredible fast results that can transform you tendons, tennis or golfers elbow problems plus allow you to lift drastically heavier due to muscles functioning better.

Let me explain…As we keep training harder and more intense, the muscles naturally start getting spasms and knots. These knots when left untreated over periods can develop in a “stringy” type knot which is so tight, that the fibres literally push out the blood of the muscle. This means you cannot use that part of the muscle for contraction anymore. The more and more you get these type of knots (and believe me we all get it as time progress) the effected muscle become more and more painful and less operational. Because the muscle is not functioning correctly it will now exert too much tension on the tendon or joint and as a result you will start to develop tendonitis or joint problems and tennis/golfers elbow. Left untreated these stringy knots will completely derail your training and eventually render the muscle out of action. Old school solution was applying extreme pressure on such muscles via specific massage methods, but these proved to be rather unsuccessful. Luckily science have evolved and a MUCH more effective solution has surfaced. It is called dry needling. A process of literally sticking in needles of 3-5cm length into the muscle affected multiple times to stimulate bloodflow again by irritating or “damaging” the muscle slightly. It is all about the bloodflow, when that is restored the muscle relax and heal itself naturally and quickly. This means that a partially operational muscle can be restored to full operation rather quickly. And a fully operational muscle means NO PAIN and no pressure on tendons and joints. Magic hey! …and the best is it WORKS. I’ve been for multiple sessions and can personally vouch for this. Dry needling is done by a Physiotherapist, but I recommend get one who works regulary with athletes.

For the active athlete a visit to the Physiotherapist should be minimum every 3 months even if you feel healthy.

However this goes hand in hand with specific stretches which must be performed on problematic target muscles EVERY DAY! Ask your Physio about these stretches.

Attack Tier TWO

Now that we have covered the physical side of things we move on to other magic things we can do to prevent or limit any muscle, tendon or joint problems.

That “magic” pill is a peptide. More precise it is BPC 157 (Pentadecapeptide (PL 14736))

BPC-157 stands for Body Protection Compound, which reflects its healing process benefits that are getting so much attention. The “157” is a nod to the fact that the compound is a peptide chain built of 15 amino acids.

Read this scientific review paper on BPC-157

While amino acids are natural, the particular sequence of BPC 157 is not, which is why you’ll often hear it referred to as a synthetic supplement. Don’t let this scare you off though as the benefits of this compound are potentially incredible. Why “potentially”? Well test results on rats were incredibly impressive to say the least, but to date no human studies have been completed. So we are still waiting for the final verdict. But simply on the basis of the overwhelming positive rats testing results this is a compound worth considering, at least until we are told differently. Feedback from users (me included) is that this compound hold GREAT promise.

Although it is available as an oral it is highly recommended that one go the injection route (similar to insulin type injections) which result in far greater absorption.

Among many other things BPC 157 will repair torn muscle, tendons and joints and also act as anti-inflammatory.

But although BPC 157 is the nuclear bomb, the basis still needs to be covered. This means you must take

  • Omega 3 and 6,
  • Glucosamine Sulphate
  • MSM


Now obviously you want to know more about this BPC 157, so here goes:

BPC 157 was first discovered in the gastric juices inside the human stomach that promote the breakdown of food, liquids, and supplements. In particular, one protein was isolated from these stomach acids in its unique 15-amino acid chain. Available as both an oral and an injection-based supplement (similar to insulin injections), BPC 157 via injection is far more popular and effective.

No prescription is required and it is completely legal. Not a single side effect was reported in any of the studies. It is easy available online from various suppliers. You will not find it through your doctor or local pharmacy. If you from South Africa just email me and I can give you the local supplier online details (gertlouwljc@hotmail.com)

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Recommended BCP 157 dosages:

  • 100-pound person: 75 micrograms (μg)
  • 150 lb. person: 110 μg
  • 200 lb. person: 145 μg
  • 250 lb. person: 180 μg
  • 300 lb. person: 215 μg

There are reports of users supplementing with up to 700 μg per day, split between two or three doses.


1. Repairs The Brain 

  • BPC-157 can help induce healing of the brain and nerves after atraumatic brain injury.
  • BPC-157 repairs the brain after a hemorrhagic stroke and can reduce swelling.
  • BPC-157 can protect the brain against hypoglycemic seizures (induced by insulin overdose).

2. Protects Against Drug-Induced Damage

  • BPC-157 can protect the gut, the brain, and liver against damage induced from from NSAIDs.
  • BPC-157 can prevent aspirin-prolonged bleeding and thrombocytopenia as well as may prevent and rescue adjuvant arthritis.
  • It can protect the gut from ulceration from chemotherapy drugs.
  • Cuprizone-induced demyelination is an accepted way to study multiple sclerosis in animal models.
  • BPC-157 can counteract the demylenation of cuprizone.

3. Restores The Serotogenic Transport System

BPC-157 works on the serotogenic system.

BPC-157 significantly reduces the rate of serotonin synthesis in the:

  • Dorsal thalamus
  • Hippocampus
  • Hypothalamus
  • Lateral geniculate body

BPC-157 increases serotonin synthesis in the nigrostriatal regions:

  • Accumbens nucleus
  • Lateral caudate
  • Substantia nigra
  • Superior olive

BPC-157 may improve depression and anxiety by its action on serotonin, similar to that of antidepressant drugs (such as imipramine or nialamide).

For example, in chronically stress rats BPC-157 could improve their mobility.

It can also protect the brain against serotonin toxicity as seen in serotonin syndrome via inhibition of 5-HT2A receptor binding.

4. Protects Dopaminergic System

  • BPC-157 also works on the dopaminergic system (increasing release of dopamine in nigrostriatal regions).
  • It can protect dopamine  neurons from toxin-induced damage in models of Parkinson’s Disease (PD).
  • It may also protect against dopamine depletion (from stimulant use).
  • For example, BPC157 can reduce repetitive OCD symptoms from amphetamine usage.
  • It can also prevent haloperidol-induced supersensitivity from amphetamine usage.

5. Enhances The GABAergic System

  • BPC-157 acts in favor of natural homeostasis of the GABA receptors as well as enhancing the GABAergic transmission.
  • It can help with anxiety by enhancing GABA neurotransmission.
  • It can also help with withdrawals and tolerance from GABA-based drugs, such as diazepam, making them more effective.
  • It also antagonizes alcohols effects, including acute and chronic intoxication.

6. Reverses Opioid Tolerance

  • BPC-157 inhibits action on the opioid system.
  • For example, it can counteract the effects of naloxone and thiopental-induced anaesthesia.
  • BPC 157 may also act as an effective paracetamol antidote even against advanced damaging processes induced by extreme overdoses.

7. Protects The Heart

  • BPC-157 can protect the vascular system.
  • It protects cells against toxin induced damage.
  • It can protect blood vessels from oxidative stress.
  • It normalizes both high and low blood pressure.
  • It also promotes formation of new blood via angiogenesis and vasculogenesis.
  • BPC 157 is can also counteract a prolonged QT interval (time between Q and T) from antipsychotic use.
  • It can prevent death from high potassium levels (hyperkalemia), and magnesium overdose (hypermagnesemia).
  • BPC 157 successfully prevents and counteracts bupivacaine cardiotoxicity.
  • It can also help with arrhythmias from electrolyte imbalances.

8. Accelerates Body Repair

BPC-157 can accelerate healing of wounds.

It improves the rate of healing of:

  • Burns
  • Eye (corneal injuries)
  • Fistulas (colon, vagina)
  • Intestinal anastomosis
  • Ligaments
  • Liver (from chronic alcohol intake or tylenol/acetaminophen)
  • MuscleR
  • Nerve Damage
  • Scar Tissue
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Tendons
  • Ulcers (Diabetic Ulcers, esophageal)

One way it does this is by its ability to increase activity of the growth hormone receptor.

It can also increase collagen synthesis.

BPC-157 has also shown to improve walking post-injury.

9. Helps With Allergies And Viruses

BPC-157 may help allergies by preventing anaphylactoid (unrelated to IgE responses) reactions.

BPC-157 has viral activity on:

  • Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
  • Dengue types 1-4
  • Feline leukemia virus
  • Hepatitis A
  • Herpes
  • Influenza A and ARBO
  • LCM virus
  • Tick borne encephalitis
  • West Nile fever

10. May Help Irritable Bowel Disease

  • Similar to cholestryamine, BPC-157 may help with esophageal reflux.
  • One way it does this is by rescuing sphincter dysfunction.
  • In rats, higher doses can help with swelling in the gut.
  • By repairing ulcers, BPC-157 can help with ulcerative colitis.

11. Helps With Ocular Dysfunction

By modulating nitric oxide and cholinergic mechanisms, BPC 157 can counteract atropine-induced mydriasis and L-arginine-induced miosis of the pupil.

12. May Help Oral Cavity

BPC-157’s anti-inflammatory effects may be a useful alternative for periodontitis.

13. May Help With Urinary Incontinence 

BPC-157 may help reduce stress-induced urinary incontinence.

Click here for proof of some of the scientific studies done with BPC 157. 

To order BPC 157 and other Peptides and SARMS
  • To order: CLICK HERE (Spectre Labs)
  • Use coupon code ‘gertfitness‘ for site-wide 12% discount.
  • Peptides and SARM’s used at your own risk.
  • Discuss the use of this products with your doctor first.

Darn! Now, is this all possible? It just sounds waaaay to good to be true? Only time will tell, but above is facts that came from rats studies. Pure science. Whether all or just some of above hold true for humans, no one knows at this stage, but I for one, is a believer simply by the results I am already getting after just a short period of using BPC 157.

But as I’ve put it many times…there are NO magic pill out there. Sure this might help greatly and might be close to a magic pill, we as older individuals need to apply wisdom to our training methods to always lesson joint and tendon problems.

With all this info now at your disposal, age becomes just another number. You can feel young, energetic and muscles, joints and tendons are now being able to fullfill their intended function without holding you back with pain and injury. Wow man, what a bonus!

Those that wanna join my coaching system for the over 40 guy – you can signup via this link: www.gertlouw.com/my-transformation-secrets/

So everyone…MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Gert Louw


tendon article gert

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