How to change a transformation into a SUPER HERO transformation

Click here to watch video “How to change a transformation into a Super Hero transformation

The outside vs inside

In a lot of my videos you will notice I am talking about not just changing the outside of the body but also the inside.

The outside (muscles, looks), that make but a small part out of what you really are. By far the biggest part is that what you are inside. How your heart is, because no transformation is worthwhile if you do not also transform the heart.

So this article is where we get a little deep. Here I am going to talk about something you can add to your life that will not just make you feel incredibly good about yourself but can have life changing impact to those crossing your path….and can literally make the difference between life and death for some…

Now understand me, I am not putting myself on a pedestal here…believe me (!) I am still working very hard to change from the inside for the better. It is a process that probably be never complete. For one man it was and is and that is Jesus Christ and that is my role model I aspire too.

Let’s get deep

If you’ve been spared suffering, real suffering, the kind of suffering where you sit in a corner and cry hopelessly, you are blessed. A suffering where you want to die, but you do not have the guts to do it yourself. A suffering where all hope is lost and the pain and despair goes deeper than your bones. A suffering where it feels as if your heart is tearing in two and you struggle to breath…

MANY, MANY people are at that point, whatever the reason. The reason is not important, the world is a broken place and there are a multitude of reasons. The fact is those people have reached the bottom of a pit where all hope is lost. Their will to live, their humanity stripped from them. I was there myself, and know what it feels like.

The broken people are people you see around you. People you work with, sometimes people very close to you. They hide their pain to protect themselves because through their experience, showing pain and hurt would bring further pain by rejection because people do not want to be bothered by those in despair. Entertainment, laughing and be happy is all we are interested in…

But you know what, those people do not want your Bible verse, they do not even want your money and most of the time they do not want your solutions…because they believe there are none. All that people want and really NEED is a loving gesture of caring. A soft hand touching their shoulder lovingly, a hug with no words that just say “I am here for you”, just sitting quietly by them…just be there. They need hope because they have lost all hope. Caring gives them that hope and caring restores their humanity.

That gesture can be as little as a friendly and loving smile.

But when it comes to do something physical help, then you can CHANGE lives – when you are ready to get out of your comfort zone and physically help your fellow human being who have lost all, including hope, that is when amazing things happen.

Sadly the world is what it is because of us, no one else. But we have it in us to make it so much better. We are created in the image of God, but we fail soooo many times to live this because we don’t want to change our hearts.

If you want to really change from the inside who you are…this is one of the most powerful places to start. To become part of these people’s lives and see what great impact you can have gives an immense positive feeling, which you will never ever reach by even the most amazing body transformation. This is powerful stuff!

Make it your daily mission to show just one different person, every day, you care.

SUPER HERO transformation

This is true transformation – body and soul! The most beautiful people who have ever crossed my path was the ones who had immense inner beauty with their amazing kind and compassionate heart. That overshadowed any aspect of their outer beauty for me and later on that inner beauty was all I could see. Now imagine you transforming your body and become this incredible “wow” physique, and at the same time the inner beauty becomes so immense that it start to overshadow even this incredible body transformation…now THAT is true beauty…super hero beauty!


  1. So, anyone interested to signup for my over 40 body transformation coaching, here is the link:
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  4. Last, just a quick reminder that ask for a small donation to help me keeping my info free on all my sites and speaking positivity into peoples lives. Those of you that can afford it, here is the donation link:

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You, me, together we all CAN make a difference in someone’s life, simply by caring…

Wish you all a great day.

Gert Louw

Arniston red shirt flex Gert Louw


2 thoughts on “How to change a transformation into a SUPER HERO transformation

  1. Such a lovely message Gert. God bless you.

    Enviado do Yahoo Mail no Android

    De:”gertlouw” Data:8:14 AM seg, 12 de out de AM Assunto:[New post] Caring…

    gertlouw posted: ” I am sitting here in front of my computer and have this compelling urge to write this article. I know God has put this on my heart…maybe for someone to see, maybe even for myself to do more. If you’ve been spared suffering, real suffering, the kind”

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